The Binding Of Euclide

Fullscreen is Better :)

Controls : Mouse only (more to come)


My Global Gam Jam 2021 Submission :) 

A Roguelike/Metroidvania inspired by... You guested it... But with a PLOT twist where your movements are constrained by mathematical functions.
You are LOST in the geometric cells, FIND your way out through the labyrinth with your Mathemagical powers! Have fun while learning common function graphs :)
(Idea : Game Jam theme Lost & Found + 2 math related diversifier


Realisation - CreArthur aka Arthur Scheidel.

Tools used - Unity 2021.1.0b4, Odin Inspector, DOTween Pro, Personal toolbox...

Development started the 29/01/2021 for 48h, ended the 31. Thanks LudusAcademie for hosting the GGJ 2021 Organisation :)


Some Unity third-party paid plugins used in my workflow cannot be shared under the creative common licence. 
I've kept the number as low as possible for the Jam - Mainly Odin Inspector, it is too useful - The source code will be shipped without it. 
Thanks for your understanding.

Development log

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